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This is the companion Web site for the Infocyt Project.

InfoCyt is a semi-automated Flow Cytometry data analysis approach developed by the Pr Daniel Olive Team and Cibi platform at CRCM.

Our approach focuses on population identification in multi-parametric Flow Cytometry data analysis. It is based on heatmap visualisation with MeV and flowClust combined analysis. Focus has been placed on rapid and intuitive annotation of population.

The worflow is the following (click the image to enlarge it). AnalysisOfSet pseudo-code shows how to process a set of FCS files with flowClust and to export a MeV ready file.

This Web site is related to the manuscript titled:

Improvements and limits of manual and computational-based interactive analyses of multi-parametric cytometry of complex cellular sample.

Gondois-Rey F*, Granjeaud S*, Rouillier P*, Rioualen C, Olive D, and Bidaut G.

* These authors contributed equally to this work.